Thursday, December 7, 2006

Besters and Boys

A friend told me that he wouldn't comment on my blog because he finds it too frivolous. But I think trivialities are fun and what makes life are the little things anyway. And to my friend I say only the one thing "Your blog is boring, sir." But he's a sweet one and really, this is the sort of thing I can only write on a blog - there's no way I can tell it to his face. I'm a wuss that way.
But there are some people who can say pretty much anything to me and get away with it. One is the aforementioned bester S (otherwise known as Toy in the real world), K who is so far away now and the boy who has been known to say with complete impunity - You don't have to be fun or cool, I like you anyway.


Nikhil said...

BESTER is MY word! HOW DARE YOU! Incidentally, was I that boy?

Anonymous said...

Uh right. Soon you will start taking credit for the word Fool also! WHERE will it all end? And no, you are not that boy. Maybe I should type it as The Boy or My Boy. But I won't.

jairaj said...

all right! umm...everythings in the trivial bits...

Nikhil said...

what I meant to say was whether I was the friend, not the boy. But I'm guessing I'm not :( I've commented anyhow so that's that.

Anonymous said...

I agree bester was Nikhil's word. You thief !!!!!
And ur what 26 ? still trying to be fun and cool ???????

Anonymous said...

Nikhil - :(
Shobhit - eh?

Anonymous said...

Will you come to pick me up at airport next week? I am reduced to posting on these public places because YOU REFUSE TO EMAIL ME! BTW who is this Shobhit?

iz said...

Ah. Frivolous. Woud he prefer we talked about the fact that Indian men are supposed to have the smallest penises IN THE WORLD!