Friday, November 24, 2006


They don’t make mistresses like they used to. Back in the day, your mistress knew her place; she was a fuckhole and nothing more. But nowadays, mistresses are full of ideas and some of them even think they have rights. Well, Grover Norquist for one sees the drawbacks to these new-fangled mistresses, particularly if they are mistressing for Republican politicians.

Although some glitz has come off Mr Rove, Republicans have been more eager to blame botched campaigns and individual ethics scandals. “Bob Sherwood’s seat [in Pennsylvania] would have been overwhelmingly ours, if his mistress hadn’t whined about being throttled,” said Mr Norquist.

And by whining, Norquist means, “Locked herself in the bathroom and called 911, terrified after Sherwood tried to strangle her.” All the same, a sign of the times. Used to be that a mistress knew her place and simply acquiesed to assault instead of whinily summoning help.

Realizing that Sherwood’s ex-mistress might have a legitimate reason for not wanting him to win the election, Norquist backed up some and remembered who’s really to blame when a mistress gets choked, and it’s not her for trying to get rescued.

Any lessons from the campaign? “Yes. The lesson should be, don’t throttle mistresses.”

Still, ambigious. Why not throttle mistresses? Is it because it’s wrong? Or just because there’s an off chance they might “whine” to the police and to the press about it? If Sherwood could have gotten away with it, would that have changed Norquist’s advice? Considering his use of the word “whine”, it’s hard to imagine that he’d be overly concerned about mistress-throttling.

Got from this splendid link.


Johnny said...

interesting read on mistresses...quite informative ;) lol. any particular reason why u chose to write abt this??

and offcourse i was gonna link u how else would i keep track of what ur up to ;) :D

Johnny said...

u know ur not gonna get a chance to when i'm there :P