Saturday, December 23, 2006

The Food and the Word

The very short story.

What have I done? Not much except eat. Christmas sweets, sushi, jalebi, pani puri, lovely Thai yellow curry, Tub Tim Grob (some sort of water chestnut Thai dessert), prawn curry, biryani, fried fish with veggies. And this was just yesterday! Am terribly afraid that I will bloat so much that a day will come when I have to roll into my office and then not fit into my chair. That sort of thing actually happened to a plump girl in my office - she sat on a stool and it broke, she rumbled to the floor and brought down a small dustbin with her also. It cracked. Dustbin, not girl.
Because of all the food, I refused to leave my chair through the day (not so much refused as was unable to) and ended up downloading lots of Arcade Fire. BitTorrent is so slow sometimes, t'is a tragedy.
In other news, I have started this reading this lovely, lovely book for the 12th time. I actually knew a real Michele Roberts once, a whiny girl who couldn't exist outside of a boyfriend. I mean literally, I can't remember a time when they weren't getting it on together. I want more books by her, I want I want I want, much like Frederica Potter wanted Alexander and power and knowledge and sundry other things in The Virgin in the Garden.


jairaj said...

It's true, all true. There are some I know who aren't but largely yes they belong from this sector. The pity is that blog's are considered to be the 'frustration' of writers. To seome extent it stands true. I guess this a space where one can explore writing, journalism can be constrained. Sometimes shackled by stiff-thinking sub-editors.

jairaj said...

I'm sure you aren't. You don't even sound one. :) I just feel one shouldn't be limited when with someone's writing, rather expand on it. All right, this journo world is so strange. Alas its been 3 years...!

jairaj said...

Was 18 straight out of school. With a per cent that couldn't me to Stephens. An internship turned a job, its almost 3 years. Think I've fallen in the line almost instantly. Don't know where I'l go from here. The world as pulled me in, and despite that I know not still.

jairaj said...

taken it easy ;) too much beer and wine yesterday...what about you?

Anonymous said...

I am also going to eat so much when i come to bombay. And then i won't fit through my office door. yay!

Anonymous said...

YAY! Means treat for me no? We can discuss 'crestfallen' AHAHA

smohan said...

Merry Xmas ! I had bestest Xmas dinner in Delhi ( and no Chicken Tikka was involved )

whitelight said...

Merry Christmas to you too.

Ah! Arcade Fire.

whitelight said...

Yeah, I wish 2007 be a good year for my musical discovery.

Now that I have a super-sonic net connection in my office, I am downloading about five to six albums a day. And I can press all this music on a cd in the office itself. I wish this continues in 2007 too.

whitelight said...

I work in a brokerage. Pretty chilled out scene. The only problem is the email. Tight surveillance.

whitelight said...

Joining my firm. I think shifting from journalism to equities would not interest you much. Also you would not want to switch careers just to download music. I can lend you some. We live in the same city after all.

Scritch said...

how humiliating for the girl who broke two seats. The guy who used to cater for the bawas that huge huge guy, was rumored to have got stuck in a rick and had to be cut out of it.